• cotance@euroleather.com
31May 2018
Andreas Kindermann becomes President of COTANCE in Verona   Austrian Andreas Kindermann, CEO of Wollsdorf Leather, was unanimously elected by his peers as President of COTANCE at the General Assembly that took place on 29 May in Verona (Italy). Mr Ki...
07May 2018
The WORTH project makes the leather sector its priority COTANCE calls for candidates in the leather sector to take advantage of the promotional (and financial) opportunities offered by the WORTH Project. The European Commission has launched the second cal...
27Apr 2018
This privacy policy describes the collection, use and processing of personal data by the COTANCE, acting as the data controller of this information as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (https://www.eugdpr.org.)   ...
27Apr 2018
Cookies Policy Scroll down to change your Cookies Preferences  1 Cookies - Our websites or social media channels may use tracking techniques such as cookies for collecting technical information about your use for the purpose of improving and tailorin...
19Apr 2018
Leather Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules officially approved Brussels, 19 April 2018 On 18 April 2018, the Leather Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (Leather PEFCR) were officially approved by the Environmental Footprint Steerin...
08Mar 2018
Joint Statement of the EU Social Partners of the leather industry on EU-Mercosur FTA negotiations COTANCE and industriAll-Europe reviewed the state of play of EU-Mercosur negotiations in their Social Dialogue meeting of 27 February 2018. They understand th...
01Mar 2018
Industry statement on ECHA REF-4 REACH-EN-FORCE project press statement   COTANCE lines up with other sectors for defending the reputation of leather - download the joint statement here. Leather is perfectly safe when produced by responsible tanners...
06Feb 2018
A Blueprint to Revitalise Skills and Jobs in the TCLF Sectors in Europe   The need to anticipate and enhance adequate skills and learning methods as well as to attract and qualify workers has brought together 21 public and private stakeholders of the...
17Nov 2017
Tanning is not only an industrial process, tanning is an Art. Museums have been created to celebrate the Art of Leather. We hope that the information you will collect here will entice you to go and visit them! Vic, Spain: The Museu de l'Art de la Pell (Co...
17Nov 2017
Tanning is not only an industrial process, tanning is an Art. Museums have been created to celebrate the Art of Leather. We can only invite you to check out their websites and go visit them! Museu de l'Art de la Pell (Colleccio A.Colomer Munmany) - Vic, ...