01Mar 2018
Industry statement on ECHA REF-4 REACH-EN-FORCE project press statement
COTANCE lines up with other sectors for defending the reputation of leather - download the joint statement here.
Leather is perfectly safe when produced by responsible tanners...
06Feb 2018
A Blueprint to Revitalise Skills and Jobs in the TCLF Sectors in Europe
The need to anticipate and enhance adequate skills and learning methods as well as to attract and qualify workers has brought together 21 public and private stakeholders of the...
13Oct 2017
The Council of COTANCE requests the European Commission to use its power of legislative initiative for regulating leather authenticity labelling in the EU market
The representatives of the Italian, Spanish, French, British, German, Portuguese, Austrian and...
20Jun 2017
In Igualada (9 June 2017), the COTANCE Council adopted a position statement on certifications of leather.
The document is available for download.
05Feb 2016
The Social Partners of the European Leather industry met on 30 October 2018 for reviewing the overall results of their joint project on Due Diligence for Health & Safety at tannery workplaces.
COTANCE and industriAll-Europe are pleased with the success...
30Nov 2015
Projects ends in Arzignano on 15 December
After 19 months of experimentation, greenLIFE presents innovations in the tanning industry, which aims for environmental and economic sustainability.
Is it possible to reduce the environmental impact of the tannin...
18Nov 2013
Introduction to the PEFCR Pilot Leather
COTANCE has been awarded the opportunity to conducting one of the 14 EU Pilots selected among some 90 candidates aiming at developing Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for non-food/feed products....
11Oct 2013
The COTANCE Bologna Council sends an alarm message to European trade authorities on raw material prices
Bologna hosted on October 11, 2013, on the sideline of the Lineapelle Fair, the autumn Council of COTANCE gathering representatives from Italy, Spain, F...
11Apr 2013
COTANCE Presidency calls for official monitoring of the critical shortage of hides & skins on the EU market that drives prices to unsustainable levels
The COTANCE Presidency met on April 3, 2013 in Bologna under the chairmanship of Mr Rino Mastrotto (R...
11Feb 2013
COTANCE is a founding member of CheMI.
CheMI is a platform for downstream users of chemicals in manufacturing industries. It works as a channel for the downstream users in article producing industries to represent their interests and aims at contributing...