• cotance@euroleather.com

Results of the Digital TCLF project

logodigitalAfter identifying and characterizing the profiles of 9 emerging digital occupations and the correspondent required skills setsa first step, the Partners created a harmonized matrix, in coherence with ESCO format, for these 9 occupations. In order to provide a detailed prediction of the future impact of these emerging occupations, in terms of European employment and strategic development of the TCLF sectors, a survey was conducted to a relevant category of stakeholders in the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors.

On the basis of the occupations and skills identified and the questionnaire results, the emerging gaps between the current VET and Training offer and the requirements of the 9 emerging digital occupations were analysed.

Results of the project: http://digitaltclf.eu/news/#output-results

Newsletters available:

News 1: Emerging Digital Occupations: Introduction of the project and the description of the 9 emerging digital occupations.

News 2: Market Potential for Emerging Digital Occupations in the TCLF sectors: Forecasting survey conclusions on these Digital occupations.

News 3: Is the TCLF training offer ready for the digital era?: Existing VET offer and eventually gaps for these Digital professions

News 4: A proposal for the future: Reports on the final conference, explains the concept of Digital TCLF EU quality label, drafts a roadmap on innovative VET programmes and describes the actions beyond the project.